Who took the candy from the trick-or-treat bag?[Pat your legs and clap your hands.] The monster took the candy from the trick-or-treat bag. Who me?[The monster points to herself.] Yes, you! [The other students nod their heads "yes" and point at the monster.] Not me! [The monster shakes her head "no."] Then who? [The students shrug their shoulders.] The ghost! [The monster points at the ghost.]
Who took the candy from the trick-or-treat bag? The ghost took the candy from the trick-or-treat bag. Who me? [The ghost points to himself.] Yes, you! [The other students nod their heads "yes" and point at the ghost.] Not me! [The ghost shakes his head "no."] Then who?[The students shrug their shoulders.] The witch! [The ghost points at the witch.]
Who took the candy from the trick-or-treat bag? The witch took the candy from the trick-or-treat bag. Who me? [The witch points to herself.] Yes, you![The other students nod their heads "yes" and point at the witch.] Not me! [The witch shakes her head "no."] Then who? The pirate![The witch points at the pirate.]
Who took the candy from the trick-or-treat bag? The pirate took the candy from the trick-or-treat bag. Who me?[The pirate points to himself.] Yes, you! [The other students nod their heads "yes" and point at the pirate.] Not me! [The pirate shakes his head "no."] Then who? The vampire![The pirate points at the vampire.]
Who took the candy from the trick-or-treat bag? The vampire took the candy from the trick-or-treat bag. Who me? [The vampire points to herself.] Yes, you! [The other students nod their heads "yes" and point at the vampire.] Okay, okay... I took the candy. [The vampire nods her head "yes" and pretends to eat the candy.] ♫
Think of all the different places you can see in a town or city. Read the clue and spell the word by clicking on the letters. If you need more help you can listen to the word.
Hola xics i xiques de 4t! Com sabeu, en aquesta unitat farem la nostra estació metereològica! Ací teniu exemples de com fer un pluviòmetre, anemòmetre i un penell! Fes click en la imatge i voràs com fer-los! ÀNIM!